Cue some serious emotion here....

I have known this family for a few years. I have photographed a pregnancy, both babies, a couple other family shoots but this one, this took the cake. Joe contacted me as he had set up a whole surprise party for Jen. The white lies that went on to make this happen was epic and so many surprises incoming. Jen was told their children wanted to make a special surprise at home so friends took Jen off for brunch. Little did she know Joe had orchestrated a whole event. The kids were actually with a babysitter, and the front yard was full of friends and family sworn to silence when the car arrived. The pictures speak for themselves, but for Jen to be blindfolded thinking she was in for a kid surprise was full of emotion, joy, tears, and laughter when that blindfold came off. Lets top this off by saying that not only had Joe managed to keep this on the hush but he also had Jen's favorite band come down from Tahoe ( perform live at the party, secretly hiding out in the back yard for the next surprise. Jen just thought a local musician was hired for the party. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be able to see this and see such love between two people, friends and family.

This first picture deserves a spot all on its own. Well done Joe. You pulled off quite the event!

And this is why photography matters, why it's so important to document not only the big events in life but also the small, regular, living life moments. These photos and all this emotion and joy is why I love what I do. Being chosen to photograph this event is a blessing, knowing that I gave this family memories to treasure.